(Fig. 1, Poster)
La belle et la bete (1946) is a film that was released one year after the horrific events of WWII. This fantastical fairy tale film was made with the intention of allowing people to escape the realities of a post war France and enter a fantasy land. Director Jean Cocteau also made this as an adaptation of the fairy tale and not as a "children's film". This can be seen through the film with its sexual undertones "obvious undercurrent of eroticism" (Mcnab. G, 2014). He wanted to still include the message that the fairy tale gets across to its reader, "Anyone who has an unhappy childhood may grow up to be a Beast." (Ebert. R, 1999).

(Fig.2 film still)
Due to the time period this film doesn't display any groundbreaking special effects. In the film you see what the special effects were like at the time, which most probably would have amazed audiences. For example, the interior of the castle demonstrates this well with the arms that stick out of the walls holding candle sticks as Belle enters the castle. Also, the busts that are further in the castle the head and eyes follow Belle as she walks around the room. These effects are what take the audience living in a post war society and can fully immerse them in the viewing experience. Although, as mentioned before these effects aren't exactly groundbreaking as stated in a Guardian article "Its special effects are prehistoric compared to those of our digital 21st century" (Bradshaw. P, 2014). However, also as mentioned earlier the film carries out its job of providing an escape even if the special effects aren't up to today's standards.
(Fig. 3, film still)
The way that the film develops characters is interesting as well as considering the gender roles at the time. Belle is made out to be one of the least interesting characters at the beginning since her main role was taking care of her father and cleaning the house. As for the Beast he is terrifying and fearsome at the beginning when he intimidates Belle's father. However, later on these roles change as Belle gains more independents and Beast calls her his "master". Similarly, Beast becomes very submissive and more self conscious when Belle stays at the castle. "The Beast falls in love with her, but the Beauty rebuffs his proposal of marriage, while nonetheless softening towards him, and there is something bizarrely romantic in her holding out in this way, and in the Beast's very un-beastlike gallantry" (Bradshaw. P, 2014). This links to the previously mentioned erotic undertones as Belle leads the Beast on and at this time the man would be the on to take charge, but Belle seems to be the one that does that.
Overall, this film created a great escape to a fantasy world when the people of this time needed it most. It's also amazing to see how much this film has influenced the later adaptations.
(Bradshaw. P, 2014) - https://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/jan/02/belle-et-bete-review
[Accessed on 1/11/17]
(Ebert. R, 1999) - https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-beauty-and-the-beast-1946
[Accessed on 1/11/17]
(Mcnab. G, 2014) - http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/reviews/la-belle-et-la-bete-film-review-cocteaus-forties-fantasy-is-still-a-thing-of-real-beauty-9035506.html
[Accessed on 1/11/17]
Illustration list:
Fig 1 - http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSx769h-b23VnEjPsu0QzmWXfea-dkvMywf-OByO08Yb-O-XWOP
[Accessed on 1/11/17]
Fig 2 - http://alienexplorations.blogspot.co.uk/1979/05/cocteaus-beauty-and-beast.html
[Accessed on 1/11/17]
Fig 3 - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1001902_beauty_and_the_beast?
[Accessed on 1/11/17]
Hi Alfie,
ReplyDeleteFirstly, a rather boring 'housekeeping' comment - make sure that your font is consistant throughout... at the moment you have about half a dozen different types going on here!
Interesting discussion around the portrayal of gender :)
By wary of statements like this - 'It's also amazing to see how much this film has influenced the later adaptations.' You really need to mention what those 'later adaptations' are.