Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Premise Antagonist Development

I posted some antagonist thumbnails earlier and since I got feedback already, I thought I would try and develop them further. I like the way 2 and 3 are characterised, but I think I could explore more characterisation. I also got feedback on my protagonist thumbnails which I plan on doing a similar thing as I did in this post.


  1. There is something not quite right here Alfie. I think that the 'base shapes' are not quite right yet. They are too non specific instead of a hybrid of bird and human. Take a closer look at an eagles anatomy and go from there.

    Note: Here is ananlysis sheet from the film Zootopia/Zootropolis. It explores where animal anatomy differs from human and why you can't just add a human body to an animals head if you want them stand up/act human.



  2. Thanks Alan, I struggled with the anatomy so I'll make sure to check out those links


Final Rendered Film