Wednesday, 20 February 2019

@Phil @Alan Premise Script Draft

This is my first draft of my script, for my idea around a carrier pigeon during WW1.

Starts with establishing shot of trenches, then slowly starts to zoom in to one of the trenches. Cross fades to pigeons lined up, backs straight looking dead ahead.

Camera pans across the pigeons, until there’s a gap in the line, camera drops to reveal a small pigeon standing proud. The other pigeons look down at the small bird menacingly, the small pigeon ignores them and continues to stand proud. The other pigeons all make their way to get ready for their mission. The small pigeon goes to follow but one of the humans picks him up saying 


“Not you little fella, you can stay in your pigeon hold for now”

Slightly disheartened the pigeon sits in his pigeon hole and waits. Shot of all the other pigeon holes next to the small pigeon, one by one each of the pigeon holes has a cross drawn under their “active status”. Soon enough all the other pigeons were gone, except the small one. A Soldier grabs the small bird getting him ready for his mission. It was his time, his turn to prove himself. The Soldier attaches the note to the back of the pigeon saying


“Okay little fella this message is crucial in getting us reinforcements, good luck!”

The soldier throws the pigeon into the air, the pigeon spreads its wings and looks majestic. Cut to the pigeon falling out the air trying to flap its small wings frantically. It looks like he’s going to hit the ground before quickly gathering the strength he needs to finally start flying.

Finally he’s done it he’s in the air! Excited he flies onward to his destination. In the air he can see the carnage of the war. Being in the trenches shielded him from the horrors of No Man's Land, suddenly he’s overcome with fear and starts thinking of all the other pigeons who didn’t make it. All those other pigeons who were bigger and stronger than him...who are no longer here. However, the soldiers words come into his head, his mission isn’t just for fun there are soldiers in need and their relying on this message being delivered. The small pigeon composes himself and gains a new found confidence.

He ventures onward, each flap of his wings filled with determination. The other trench is in sight, he’s close. Suddenly a sniper bullet whizzes past the small pigeon. Lucky his small stature makes him a harder target. More bullets fly at him, but with his new found confidence he flies straight in. Evading bullets like they were nothing he arrives safely into ally territory. Flying into the pigeon hole a soldier rushes over to receive the message. Cut to low shot of soldiers feet stomping making their way as reinforcements. Another cut to the small pigeon receiving a medal way too big for him, but nonetheless he is proud.         


  1. Hey Alfie,

    So yes - this is shaping up, but it feels like it needs an engaging structure - something non-linear to bring audiences into your story immediately: for example, begin your story with the moment that your unlikely hero is flying through bullet fire, his wing-clipped - he falls, all is lost... and then your story starts at the beginning, to pick up again with this same moment, which concludes with the pigeon taking wing again and completing his mission...

  2. Thanks Phil, I like the sound of this, I'll edit the script and upload it soon


Final Rendered Film