Tuesday 27 March 2018

FV - Script Draft

Scene starts with a normal Carbon floating there when the Narrator then come in to explain a Carbon.
“This…is a Carbon atom, made up of 6 Protons, 6 Neutrons and 6 Electrons. Carbon is an important element because it is present in all living organism. Carbon has its own cycle it travels between each living organism…yes it travels…like a tourist…”
This then leads to a zooming out shot of the carbon, which then reveals that it’s a design on a hat revealing the Carbon tourist. Then there’s a still shot made to look like a postcard, which then introduces the Carbon as ‘Carbon the tourist’. A crossfade then transitions to a map where the Carbon travels from the Atmosphere to the plants, a red dotted trail to show the travel.
Cut to the carbon then travelling to the plant via the sun’s rays. Once it reaches the plant, we then cut to the cross section of the plant. The Carbon pops up in the corner as the Narrator comes back in to explain more.
“As you just saw the Carbon travelled to the plant along with sun rays as Carbon dioxide”
The Carbon then moves out the way so that the equation for Photosynthesis can be displayed next to the plant cell. The Narrator comes back in to continue explaining.
“Inside the leaf cells there are Chloroplast that contains Chlorophyll which is able to absorb light energy needed to carry out the process called Photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and water are converted into Glucose and Oxygen.”
Then the carbon jumps back on screen and takes a “Holiday photo”. The camera then starts to zoom out of the leaf cell until it cuts back to the map showing that the Carbon is now travelling to the animal. Once there we see the leaf from before but now a deer is standing in front of it.
“Here is the Consumption stage, Carbon is passed on in Proteins, fats and Carbohydrates, which animals then eat and gain the Glucose. The Glucose is trapped but can be released through respiration. Respiration is not through breathing, it is when the cells go through a metabolic process which then releases the Glucose.”
Then the Carbon comes back in to take another holiday photo with the deer. However, the animal then falls to the floor dead leading to the next part of the cycle.
“All life comes to an end and in this case it is needed so that the carbon can continue the cycle. The deer will go through the process of Decay. Living organisms called Decomposers (Bacteria and Fungi), Carbon can be transferred in Glucose. They can also respire and release C02 back into the atmosphere.”
The carbon takes another photo this time next to the decomposers. The camera then cuts to the fossil of the deer with the carbon next to it. The carbon takes the fossil as a “memento” but the fossil ends up being taken to a factory. There we have a side view of the factory in a sort of x-ray like manner where we can watch the process of combustion.

“The fossil of the deer is now used to produce fossil fuels in this factory. Here the fossil is burned which releases Carbon Dioxide and Water. That Carbon dioxide is then released back into the atmosphere like how respiration does and our carbon atom is ready for another round trip of the Carbon Cycle”

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